Jul 1, 2014


I want to name my first daughter Petra. I'm pretty sure it's the prettiest name possible. Not only that it's short for petrichore, which google defines as "a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather."

Which happens to be in my oppinion the best possible olfactory stimulant.  Smell is the sense most closely associated to memories. I'm pretty sure that 85% of my favorite memories from childhood took place in the rain.
As an adult, when the sky grows dark, the air gets thick and small animals start seeking shelter, my entirety opens up. As soon as I feel that first cool drop on my arm I instantly feel better no matter how shitty I felt before.

My mother, as a psychology student worried when I would paint pictures with jet black skies, large blue rain drops and no sun in sight. Fearful that I had some deeply rooted depression at the tender age of 3 she asked my pediatrician what was wrong with me. After some quick questions attempting to disect my psyche his diagnoses... "She likes the rain."

As hurricane season approches in south Florida I can't help but be excited that there are going to be some great storms in my near future. My only disgruntled stance entering the beloved "wet season" I do not have a hammock to retreat to during said storms! 

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